Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tag Torture

This tag is specifically created to screw you up. When you are tagged, you must answer the tag and reply to what the question says, any illogical answer is not accepted and you cannot refuse to answer, a reply with a non specific answer ie: none or i don't know or cannot or any other variations of them are not allowed. After this, you MUST TAG 9 other individuals who HAVE NOT done this tag before. The rules created are for you to have fun, so enjoy it! Tags are created to let others know you well, so why not let them? If you don't do this tag, well I can't curse you can't I? Well, lets just say karma's a bitch, shall we?

1.If you would have to engage sexual acts with a celebrity of the same sex, who would it be?
CCB KNN WTF ! Teppei Koike

2.If you were asked to strip off naked and then covered in a certain material for a photoshoot, what will it be? (note: clothing or any other variations is not acceptable, however cloth is)
Water... Or perhaps... Thin air...?

3.If you and your husband/wife/life partner are bound up and are soon to be raped by a rapist, would you sacrifice you or your spouse? (note: only one can be saved)
Yes. I cant bear to think and to know that my spouse is being raped, so i rather carry the burden =)

4.Well, you are in New York, Ala Entourage or Sex and the City. Which would you pursue? Labels or Love and why?
Most probably love. But they might not be real, true and everlasting.

5.Name your favourite American Idol 7 finalist. (latest one)
David............ Archuleta =P

6.The Deserted Island Question: Who would you bring there with you?
My isolated, devastated soul.

7.Name one crazy thing that you have done.
Play with water gun 3 times a day. (shhh...)

8.To make things a little easy, future honeymoon destination?
-1 Japan -2 Paris -3 Switzerland

9.If you have superpowers, what would it be?

10.You got drunk, had sex with someone and when you woke up, that someone is next to you, who is that someone? (note: you know that someone and that someone knows you)
Sharon Chu Wei Yae! Woohoo!! zOmG.. Fucking question -,-

11.Name a classmate that you seriously hate on your high school senior year.
Betrayer AKA Chong Fu Hsien

12.A position that you would want to have in high school but can't achieve?
Pengawas Biasa

13.Name a classmate that you would want to join you in your current university as your classmate.
Fanny aka Tiffany & BongBong aka Bong Sin Yee

14.Name a person you know you love but never truly appreciate.
My dearest mother.

15.If given the chance to fully restore and revive someone from the dead, who would it be?
We must not have the power to play with life and death. But i would choose my recently deceased Great-grandmother...

16.If your life were a game, what would it be?
Ragnarok Online. Romantic, Fun and Adventurous.

17.Do you support gay marriage?
Seriously no. Humans, are supposed to be attracted to the opposite sex. Appreciate that!

18.Do you prefer expensive, branded items or inferior, cheap items?
Expensive... hehe it feels good to spend =D

19.If your life were a TV show? What would it be like?
Fate / Stay Night. Fight for the Holy Grail, summon servants, and understand the true meaning of history.

20.Last minute partner for a project?
Myself. I seriously believe and depend on my own capabilities.

21. Name of the 8 people who are tagged?

1. Liang
2. Hsien
3. Kang Hong
4. Cally
5. Jamie
6. Eugene
7. Bryan
8. Alison
9. Person who is not listed but reading this very post

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