Wednesday, September 17, 2008

As A Storm Emerges.

It happened yesterday, emergence of a storm. Although its not something new, but it seems... Special.

Me Hsien Lex and Chung went to 9th floor. So long dint go there. Quite an idyllic place, to study, to sleep. Tranquility is obtained. And maybe it will replace our usual 7th floors. 9th floor just seemed, and felt different... When it rains =)

A storm seen from afar.

The other side still looks bright and shiny. Not... for long.

A downpour. I still, and will always love the color and feeling when it rains. Though sometimes annoying and troubling, it still brings serenity to the mind. It is where, and how i get my inspiration from. For either composing, music arrangement and writing poems =)

And a pic to lighten the day up =) Doesnt this make you feel like wanting one hehe... XP Go to the Spring, Sugarbun ^^

Now, it is vital, to shun this storm and seek shelter.

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