Friday, August 1, 2008


Ish. Today is so normal and dull.
EM is okay.. A little confusing.. though fun =D Got earthquake wor of course fun la XP
Magnitude 9.9 ! Maximum Intensity! BOOM BAM WAKABUM
No la actually just an "Ahh Chiu~ " =P

Ish. After EM stayed back at school... Hang around at the open lab with Hsien.
Do nothing.. just spamming, learning more Japanese, translating, listening to songs... and i got my P license today. Weee~ Hehe gonna drive soon lalala...

Ish. Tomorrow is gonna be so hectic.
Morning gonna go to see the barber. A so-called "appointment" =X
Afternoon gonna play the so-called paintball. Dont know what the hell it is, but still gonna try it out with my friends.
Night-time going to uh... what is it called again? The Junk right? Or something like that..

Ish. Today is the 1st day of GhostMonth.
Spirits come to visit us~ Once a year. And its gonna be for a month..
That's that then...

Ish. Why i cant get a hold of myself.
Keep on pondering...
Keep on thinking...
Keep on guessing...
Keep on contradicting...
Keep on...
Losing Myself.


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