Sunday, July 6, 2008


This is japanese song that i found recently.. Its damn nice, and i love it lotsa.
Ladies and gentlemen, i give you Undelete!


じゃれた若葉の群れが とても楽しそうで
見上げた木々の間 木漏れ日が誘ってる
私は手を伸ばしたの そっと そっと 消えぬように
楽園 そこは星の!? 目覚めれば 冷めた月

弱く残る光跡の 記憶を辿れば
ねぇ 気づいてくれるかな?
形あるものになんて 終わりが来ると言って
過去の闇 閃いて

ここから見る世界は とても眩しくって
光の波押し寄せ 残り香を落としてく

私は手をかざしたの そっと そっと 壊れぬように
儚い 君と過ごす時 
振り向けば 過ぎた日々

強く輝く君との 現実(いま)に触れたなら
また 求めてしまうかな?
一つ叶うとどうして? 膨らむ胸教えて
脆い夢 醒めないで

散りばめられた 空に架かる
明日へ向かう 虹を渡ればあの日の扉開く

君の 煌いた笑顔 硬く閉ざす心を
いつか 遮光の影から 救いの手に引かれて会いに行く…
弱く残る光跡の 記憶を辿れば
ねぇ 気づいてくれるかな?
形あるものになんて 終わりが来ると言って
過去の闇 閃いて
The mass of playful young leaves is so much fun
When I look up, the sun shines in through the trees

I held out my hand, softly, softly, to stop you going away
But I can never reach you
Heaven is a sea of stars, when I wake up the moon is cold

If I went back over the faint glow of memories that remain
Would you know?
“The end will come for anything that has a shadow”
Lighting up the dark in the past

The world I can see from here is so bright
I push through the wave of light, leaving behind a faint scent

I held out my hand, softly, softly, to stop you breaking
But I can never protect you
When I look back on the fleeting time I spent with you, I see days that have gone

If I could have had the bright, shining time of the present with you
Would I still be longing for something?
Why does my heart swell whenever something works out? Tell me
Don’t awaken me from this fragile dream

The stardust that follows the light
Lines the sky
If I cross the rainbow to tomorrow

Then the door of that day will open

My heart is shut tight
But your shining smile lights it up
Someday a rescuing hand from the shadows that hide you will guide me
And I’ll go to you…

If I went back over the faint glow of memories that remain
Would you know?
“The end will come for anything that has a shadow”
Lighting up the dark in the past

By Mami Kawada
Baldr Force EXE Resolution ED1

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